I'm really liking how the sketches in my second sketchbook are turning out. They're mainly portraits and life-drawings. I wanted to share them with whomever's viewing my blog:
We learned about charcoal yesterday, and I am absolutely in love. I honestly did not believe that I would love this medium, seeing as it's extremely messy. But it's so much fun and i love the results. Complete and utter lovelovelove
Description: Done for a community service project. The pictures of many orphans from Africa were given to us so that we could draw a portrait of them and send it back, so that they will have a memory of their childhood. idk. I signed up for it in University's art class.
So, I thought I would post my portfolio that got me accepted into Ringling(!). It repeats some of the artwork in my first post, but that's because this was the final portfolio after I cut and added in a few pieces. I'm kind of giddy right now at the thought of going to college (: Uhm. Yeah so here it is: